Hey everybody i just got to say that i just made this account. i also have to say that i am a child by that i also mean that i am 12 years old but i am also kind of unstable so DO NOT MESS WITH ME. my mom also says that i am psychic. i now really believe her because just the other day me and my older bro he is 28, we went out to the camper about to hook up a battery but i got dizzy when we got to the camper, a few moments later we went in the camper i opened a cabinet door on the wall then i let go and let it slam shut then the cabinet door started shaking violently (and i also have to say that the cabinet had nothing in it except a Febreze can and paper towels) me and my brother ran, then me and my brother told our mom about it then my brother told mom about me getting dizzy moments before going in the camper then my mom told my brother that i am psychic my mom said that if there is a ghost, spirit, or other paranormal activity near a psychic person the psychic person will get dizzy. i felt like i had to share a bit of my life your welcome